One of the most fundamental items used in diving is the scuba mask, which helps keep water out of your nose and allows your eyes to focus better underwater. Wearing the right mask can make all the difference between a frustrating dive and an enjoyable (and comfortable) underwater excursion, so it is without a doubt an essential component of your gear.
How much do diving masks cost?
The cost of diving masks can vary widely, ranging from as low as $20 for basic models to over $200 for high-end full-face masks. The price is often influenced by factors such as material quality, brand reputation, and additional features like anti-fog lenses.
When considering the overall cost of scuba diving, it's essential to factor in the price of a quality underwater mask, as it plays a critical role in your underwater experience.
Diving Mask for Snorkelling & Scuba Diving
It’s important to consider two things when purchasing a scuba mask: comfort and fit. You’ll want to make sure that it fits you perfectly because ill-fitting masks aren’t just uncomfortable—they’re also more prone to leakage.
They’re usually made of high-quality materials like tempered glass and soft silicone for maximum leak prevention and durability. Dive Newcastle offers a full range of masks ideal for snorkelling, scuba or spearfishing - feel free to contact the team if you would like more info or to discuss the selection.