3 Tips to Improve Your Breath-Hold When Spearfishing

3 Tips to Improve Your Breath-Hold When Spearfishing


Are you looking to improve your breath-hold time while spearfishing? Holding your breath for longer periods can help you dive deeper and stay underwater for longer, giving you more opportunities to catch fish. In this blog post, we'll share three tips to help you improve your breath-hold time and breathe more efficiently while diving.

Top Tips For Improving Breath-Hold When Spearfishing

Practice Proper Breathing Techniques

Proper breathing techniques are essential for improving your breath-hold time while spearfishing. Before diving, take a few deep breaths to fill your lungs with oxygen. Focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply, allowing your lungs to expand and contract fully. This will help you maintain a steady breathing rate and prevent you from hyperventilating, which can cause you to lose consciousness underwater.

Increase Your Lung Volume

Increasing your lung volume can also help you improve your breath-hold time. One way to do this is by practising static apnea, which involves holding your breath for as long as possible while lying on the surface of the water. Over time, this can help increase your lung capacity and improve your overall breath-hold time.

Reduce Your Air Consumption

Reducing your air consumption while diving is another effective way to improve your breath-hold time. One way to do this is by relaxing and conserving your energy while underwater. When you're relaxed, your body uses less oxygen. This can help you stay underwater for longer and improve your overall diving experience.

Staying Safe While Spearfishing

Spearfishing can be dangerous, particularly if you are not trained or equipped to do it safely. The primary concern for spearfishermen is shallow water blackout, a physiological phenomenon that occurs when an ascending diver's lungs expand, creating a vacuum that sucks the remaining oxygen out of the bloodstream, causing the diver to black out. This can be deadly if not assisted.

To avoid shallow water blackouts, always dive with a buddy and never dive alone. Be aware of your limits and avoid pushing yourself too hard. If you experience any symptoms of shallow water blackout, such as lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath, return to the surface immediately.

You should also be aware of the risks of decompression sickness if you are a SCUBA diver, remember to never breath-hold dive directly after SCUBA diving the general rule is to wait at least 18 hours before Freediving. Always follow the recommendations' given to you by your dive computer manufacturer, training agency, or dive tables before you plan to do any breath hold diving after SCUBA diving.


Improving your breath-hold time while spearfishing is an excellent way to enhance your diving experience and increase your chances of catching fish. By practising proper breathing techniques, increasing your lung volume, and reducing your air consumption, you can improve your overall breath-hold time and enjoy your spearfishing adventure to the fullest.

If you're interested in learning more about spearfishing or improving your diving skills, consider taking a freediving course with Dive Newcastle. We offer a wide range of spearfishing gear for all levels of divers, so whether you're a beginner or a professional, we have the equipment you need to enjoy your spearfishing adventure safely.