Top 5 Benefits of Wearing a Dry Suit

Top 5 Benefits of Wearing a Dry Suit


Dive suits are essential gear for divers exploring into cooler water temperatures. Unlike wetsuits, dry suits seal against your body to prevent water entry, keeping you dry and warm by trapping a layer of air that insulates you from the cold. This introduction sets the stage to explore the significant advantages dry suits offer over their neoprene counterparts.

Understanding Dry Suits

What is a Dry Suit?

A dry suit is a type of protective garment used by divers to stay dry and maintain body temperature in cold water. The suit is designed to be completely watertight and usually includes features like seals around the neck and wrists and a waterproof zipper.

Key Features of a Dry Suit

Key features include its watertight nature, ability to add air for insulation, and the use of durable materials like neoprene.

Difference Between Dry Suits and Wetsuits

While wetsuits allow a thin layer of water to enter and be warmed by the body, dry suits keep the water out entirely, making them preferable for colder conditions.

The Top 5 Benefits of Wearing a Dry Suit

Keeps You Warm in Cold Water

The most significant advantage of a dry suit is its ability to insulate you from cold water temperatures, crucial for preventing hypothermia during long dives in cold environments.

Provides Neutral Buoyancy

Dry suits allow divers to achieve neutral buoyancy more efficiently by adjusting the amount of air in their suits, leading to a more comfortable and controlled diving experience.

Protects Against Environmental Hazards

Dry suits provide a barrier against environmental hazards such as sharp rocks, harmful marine life, and polluted water.

Enhances Diving Experience in Cooler Climates

By keeping divers warm, dry suits extend the duration divers can spend underwater, even in cooler temperatures.

Allows for Layering Underneath

Unlike wetsuits, dry suits allow divers to wear layers of clothing underneath for additional insulation.

The Insulating Properties of Dry Suits

Dry suits work by creating a barrier that conducts heat away from the body, which is complemented by the suit's ability to trap air, enhancing the insulation.

How Dry Suits Conduct Heat Away from the Body

The design of dry suits includes materials that help conduct heat away efficiently, ensuring the diver's comfort even in frigid waters.

Impact of the Cooling Effect of the Wind on Dry Suits

When on the surface, the wind's cooling effect can significantly reduce body temperature. Dry suits counter this by providing an effective thermal barrier.

Practical Insights

How to Add Air to a Dry Suit for Better Buoyancy

Adding air to a dry suit is a skill that divers learn to master for maintaining buoyancy. This is done through valves that allow for precise control of air entry and release.


Dry suits are invaluable for divers who frequent cold and challenging diving environments. With their ability to keep divers warm, provide protection, and enhance buoyancy control, they offer significant advantages over wetsuits. Shop a range of dry suits on Dive Newcastle online dive shop.